• Coffee, Clouds and Italy

    I am in a writing group and when we first started together we decided one of our prompts would be to talk about what reoccurring themes or things we tackled in our writing.…

  • The Seasons of the Writer

    I think I might have identified three seasons of the writer. The first is the season of inspiration. The problem with this season is that it can strike at any time and any…

  • Good coffee for Friday the 13th

    In honor of Friday the 13th, here’s a quick blurb from my book, The Italian Holiday. The characters just happen to be discussing Friday the 13. Only they are in Florence, in the…

  • Hope in the Time of 2020

    My internal playlist continues to fluctuate between the song “Don’t Stop” by Fleetwood Mac and “It’s The End of the World” by REM.  How bout you? Anyway, they say you come across what…