Caroline Noe
Today I am so extremely excited to interview Caroline Noe, science fiction and fantasy writer.
I have to tell you, Caroline, you first caught my attention with your book cover for A Wolf so Grim and Mangy. It’s just gorgeous and fun and attractive.
Then there was the tagline: Growing old is no fairytale.
Then, when I was halfway through the blurb, I stopped reading and hit that purchase button.
But THEN, when I read the dedication: For the aging, menopausal, snarky and disappointed. We deserve our fantasy too…
Well, let’s just say I was a fan!
And the cherry on top of everything is that you are a wonderful writer. Your talent in weaving a story and keeping the reader’s attention enamored me. So thank you for sharing your talent and stories with us.
If you are new to my Interviews with Indies segment,
I like to get the important things out of the way first.
Me: Coffee or tea?
Caroline: Both. Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon.
Sweet or salty?
Time travel or Magic Spells?
Mmm. Difficult, but I’d say time travel edges it.
Wolves or Bears? (And yes, I know this is a loaded question!)
I love the bears in my books, but I have to go with my mangy wolf, Curt.
Luke Skywalker or Han Solo?
I was in love with both when I was younger, but these days Han Solo.
Okay, now that’s out of the way. Here are a few more questions for our guest.
When did you decide you wanted to be an author? And can you tell us a little about the path that led to publication? (I realize this is a loaded question as well.)
I started, many moons ago, as a lyricist, playwright and screenwriter. It’s only in the last few years that I decided to move to novels, which is why they tend to have a strong visual and narrative filmic style. It was always my choice to indie publish and I don’t regret that.
How did Curt find you (or how did you find Curt)?
I love fantasy novels and decided it was about time the Chosen One was a pushing 60 grumbling, menopausal, mature woman, not a ridiculously gorgeous teen. Along with that concept came the idea of an equally troublesome romance and my mangy, limping, rejected Curt was born. Both are semi invisible in their worlds and both are actually extraordinary.
Having written both Science Fiction and Fantasy, do you prefer writing one over the other? Or is it sort of ‘mood’ dependent?
I probably lean towards fantasy as a person as it vibes with my own beliefs. When I write sci fi, it tends to contain borderline fantasy elements within it anyway, along with the themes of destiny and identity that fascinate me. My first book was a straight mash up of the two.
Sometimes our characters don’t always do what we intend. Do you have a character you created whose decisions surprised you?
Not so much surprised me, as I tend to plot and character arc extensively before I write, but some secondary characters developed or arrived out of nowhere. Wings the bald eagle nanny and Mama Bear to name two.
Speaking of characters, if you were stranded on a desert island with one of your characters, who would you choose and why? (It’s up to you if being stranded is a good or bad thing.)
It would have to be Curt, since my old wolf is a fluffy bit of wish fulfillment, if I’m honest.
Do you have a favorite book you’ve written? Or are they like children and you love them each in their own way?
My favourite tends to be each new book as I fall in love with the new characters.
I read a lot of different genres, but don’t write in them myself. When it comes to Sci-fi and Fantasy writing, I would think, being able to create a world all your own has a lot of freedom; but I assume it also comes with some challenges. What are the pros and cons of writing in these genres?
I think the reason I love writing in those genres is the scope they afford for metaphor, easily exploring the themes that fascinate me. I also have a fantasy, heroic based visual imagination, so creating these worlds is second nature.
Sci fi can be more challenging due to the nature of the world involved, however I tend to veer away from hard or overly scientific narratives.
I was going to ask you what you are working on now, but I happen to know it’s the third book in the Mangy Wolf Saga entitled: The Return Of The Cat. So can you share a little something from the book? A sneak peek? A favorite line? Is the blurb done? Or the tagline?
I’ve gone and fallen in love with a new character, yet again. The mad mage cat with jazz paws is one of my favourite ever creations.
A warm thanks to Caroline Noe for indulging me.
Caroline Noe lives and works in London, having earned her living as, amongst other things, a tour guide, for Wembley Stadium, shoe salesman, dog walker and keyboard jockey.
Having obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Drama and Theatre Studies from RHC, University of London, she became an actor and singer, where she swiftly learnt the different between dreaming and hard graft.
She is a keen photographer and film buff, having once reviewed film for live radio broadcast.
Caroline loves Science Fiction & Fantasy and would, if she could, live in HObbiton and work in Gotham. She believes that real life is also epic and mystical, if you work hard enough at seeing it that way.
Live it like it matters.
Find Caroline here: