The Writer
Welcome to Nicole Sharp Writes. A place for my thoughtful reflections on Italy, life, writing, and coffee. Not necessarily in that order.
I’ve been writing since I was twelve, driven to recreate and savor everything I’ve seen, tasted and heard in this world.
I am a purveyor of world travel and the perfect Cappuccino. A search that will never be over. There are too many places I haven’t yet been.
I have a fancy Bachelors in History. (Think Romans and Greeks.) Why didn’t I take English in College if I always wanted to be a writer? History had much, much better stories.
I have spent the past hundred years traveling, creating a mountainous pile of work, finding myself, writing, drinking coffee, traveling, getting married, writing, and having a baby. And writing.
I learned a lot about writing with a kid. For example, babies do not make good laptop resting places; and when said kid got older, they have not become a reliable critique partner. I thought by second grade they were supposed to be able to grasp the subtleties of Hemingway.
I have four faithful readers (apart from my mom) who call my writing engaging, relatable and funny. I hope you find that too.
I am currently drinking a cappuccino. Always a cappuccino.
I am currently reading a book. (If I mentioned what book I’m reading, I would have to change it twice a week…and that would feel like a chore and it takes a lot for me to even have to climb laundry mountain once a week.)
I. Love. Moose. I’m not kidding. Read all about why here. I have a lot of moose paraphernal in my home, my favorite is the ceramic moose head in my office.
I’m glad you’ve found my world. I write to entertain. I hope you find some of that value here.