
Nicole Sharp Writes, Nicole Sharp author, Nicole SharpWelcome! I’m the Nicole Sharp
of Nicole Sharp Writes. (Catchy huh?)

Before I published my books, this website was where I shared all my writing
and thoughtful reflections on Italy, life, writing, and coffee. Not necessarily in that order.

Let’s see, what should you really know about me?

I am a purveyor of world travel and the perfect Cappuccino. A search
that will never be over because there are too many places I’ve yet to visit. 

I have a fancy Bachelors in History. (Think Romans and Greeks.) Why didn’t I take
English in College if I always wanted to be a writer? History had much, much better stories.

I have four faithful readers (apart from my mom) who call my writing
engaging, relatable and funny. I hope you find that to be true as well. 

I. Love. Moose. I’m not kidding. My life is littered with
moose paraphernalia. Read all about why here

My books can be found under THE BOOKS tab in the menu. 

I have a quick, entertaining newsletter I send out once a month. If you
missed one, you can find them in menu under The Newsletter. 

I’m glad you’re here! Enjoy.